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The Noise App

New updates to The Noise App 2.0

Here’s the latest . . .

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1 Feb 2024

The Noise App
The Noise App
The Noise App

The team has been hard at work, bringing more features to version 2 of The Noise App. Here’s the latest from us . . .

What’s new 

  • The ability to assign officers to a case at the time of inviting citizens*

  • The ability to allocate cases directly to yourself using the ‘Assign to me’ feature

  • The potential to spot themes, with the inclusion of closure reason within the analytics report

  • Organisation contact details now displayed for all app users (if switched on at web portal)

  • Media that can be downloaded to one zip file rather than being split into parts 

  • Improved usability and deleting processes for both case and officer categories

  • Improved accuracy of GPS radius within noise report details 

* This is a Premium feature

Hear more on this from Jim Nixon, Director of Community Safety. 

What’s coming**

  • Bar chart analytics (number of reports per noise source and location) 

  • Designs and initial planning for daily, weekly and monthly ‘heat maps’ 

  • The means to download just bookmarked reports

  • Improvements to sorting, filtering and general housekeeping

  • New ‘Case details’ screen layout

  • Push notifications on the app

** These features are on our immediate release plan; some will be here sooner than others! We're always interested in any feedback you have and will be inviting your thoughts on these new features soon.

Go Premium with a free trial?

For those of you already using The Noise App 2.0 as a core subscriber, would you be interested in a demo and/or free trial of our Premium features? These include the following:

Picture and video: Add additional media as supporting evidence.

Configure messaging: Decide whether to turn the user chat functionality on or off.

Noise sources: Choose which noise sources users can report on.

Invite reporters: Invite the citizen to the app, giving you full control over who has access to submit evidence.

Options for assigning officers: Designate a case to a specific officer at the time of inviting the citizen to the app.

Customise the duration of a recording: Decide on the recording length for sound and videos, choosing from 30, 45 or 60 seconds as the maximum.

Media playback: Allow your citizens to review the recordings and media they have submitted on the app at any time. 

Ongoing training resources: Have access to pre-recorded training videos on how to use the platform (ideal for new starters and refresher training).

Explore The Noise App or for more information, please contact the team.

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