Consulting: Housing

HHSRS and housing standards

The HHSRS and housing standards are central to government policy for improving housing. We cover all housing tenures and property types, including single-occupancy households, HMOs, flats and other multi-occupied buildings. Our services include:

Property condition surveys and assessments

Regulatory advice and best-course-of-action determinations

Consistency exercises and professional mentoring services

Housing policy, procedures, practice reviews and development

HMOs and other multi-occupied buildings

HMOs and other multi-occupied buildings are a high priority for government housing policy, particularly around fire and building safety reforms. Our services include:

Assessments of high- and low-rise residential buildings

Compliance-based property inspections (licensing of HMOs and other houses)

Reviews of new and existing discretionary licensing-scheme designations

Package of support for operating mandatory and/or discretionary property licensing schemes

Decarbonisation and MEES

Local authorities considering applying for funding under the government's annual MEES funding schemes can access our support packages. These range from assisting with funding applications to delivering training and digital solutions for staff and landlords. We help to locate non-compliant housing and identify properties where enforcement action is appropriate.

Empty homes and dilapidated buildings

Local authorities need effective strategies to make the best use of housing stock in the face of the growing challenges of affordability, housing need and homelessness. Longer-term vacant and occupied eyesore properties are a blight to residents and communities. Effective strategies and policies that bring decent, safe and affordable properties back into use have never been more important.

We can support organisations to bring empty properties and dilapidated buildings back into use by:

Developing empty-property strategies

Identifying empty properties and ownership details

Undertaking empty-property condition surveys

Developing empty-property priority lists for action

Developing financial models to sustainably bring empty properties and dilapidated buildings back into use

Face-to-face and online training

Our consultants and trainers offer the best available professional training across a range of housing disciplines. Our delivery standards ensure you are being trained by a professional with hands-on experience. Our housing-related courses include:

Effective Enforcement and Rogue Landlords: Banning Orders

HHSRS Assessment of High-rise Residential with Cladding: Fire Addendum

Housing Act 2004 Part 1: Effective Enforcement Using the HHSRS

Fitness for Human Habitation: The Expert Guide for Housing Professionals and Landlords

HHSRS Identification and Rating of Hazards

Empty Properties: Options for Action

HHSRS Identification and Rating of Hazards

HHSRS Practitioner Training

Find out more

Housing conferences and events

RHE Global regularly organises topical and informative conferences. Presented by panels of carefully selected and respected speakers, these events provide the perfect opportunity for attendees to learn whilst sharing ideas with others working in the same field. Examples of recent housing conferences hosted and facilitated by us include:

Making Housing Healthier: Being Smarter About Addressing Risks in the PRS

Housing Standards and Tenancy Reform in the PRS

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