Nov 11, 2024


Discover the Latest Features of The Noise App

Discover the Latest Features of The Noise App

RHE Global


The Noise App enables you to gather professional supporting evidence when investigating a noise disturbance on site. Here’s how:

Officer app submissions: Record and upload your audio evidence directly, there and then, making it accessible to all parties instantly, thus enhancing the integrity and transparency of evidence.

By differentiating between officer-submitted and resident recordings, this feature creates a clear, traceable evidence record that is essential for legal clarity and reliability.

Do you need insight into the number of people affected by one incident or event?

  • Our incidents feature allows officers to group related cases by location or issue, giving a comprehensive view of recurring complaints in an area and simplifying case tracking.

  • Our centralising cases makes it easier for organisations to identify and address persistent problem areas, improving accountability and response times.

How else have we optimised The Noise App? 

  • Our new AI tool flags potentially harmful content in reports, meaning officers can act immediately on high-risk cases to enhance protection measures.

  • Our invite-only feature allows you to manage access to the app, giving you full control over who can report to you. Also, at the point of invitation, you can allocate investigating officers to the case, speeding up the process and improving case management.

  • API integration provides seamless data transfer from the app to back office systems, cutting down on manual tasks and improving workflow efficiency.

  • Picture and video submission strengthens the evidence submitted by app users and sits alongside their audio clips.

Are you interested in exploring some of these new capabilities? Contact the team.

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