Dec 3, 2024


RHE Delivers Smoke Control Orders Training on Behalf of the London Wood Burning Project

RHE Delivers Smoke Control Orders Training on Behalf of the London Wood Burning Project

RHE Global


As temperatures drop and the country experiences its first snowfall, it is the ideal time to tell you about our commission from the brilliant London Wood Burning Project (LWBP). 

Many of us will be unaware that an estimated 4,000 premature deaths occur each year in London due to long-term exposure to air pollution, of which around 284 are attributable to domestic woodburning. In addition, this comes with a health and economic cost of about £187 million per year; that’s £24 for every London resident, regardless of whether they burn solid fuels. (source: LWBP website)

Set up in 2022 and funded by the Defra Air Quality Grant Scheme, LWBP is tasked with raising awareness of the health impacts of woodburning, promoting better air quality and reducing pollution across London. RHE Global was selected to deliver a number of training sessions to officers of the 22 member boroughs, covering the enforcement of smoke control orders. During the sessions, presenter Ian Marriner explored the harmful effects of burning wood, coal or other solid fuels at home and the public perception of pollution. He also discussed the history of smoke control provisions, the development of legislation, enforcement powers available to practitioners and the importance of gathering evidence.

With year one completed, the project will span a further two years, building on and continuing to share the LWBP message and resources, and contributing towards better air quality in London.

Offering training, innovative software solutions and consulting services, learn more about RHE Global here. For additional support and resources in relation to air quality and smoke control, visit RIAMS Libraries.

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